Products & Publications

Size: 8 1/2″ x 5 1/2″
Laminated Covers
Lay-Flat Wire-O binding
112 Pages
$24.99 includes free postage & handling
The Flight Instructor’s Guide to Endorsements
Every endorsement the active Flight Instructor needs to provide clear, concise and accurate endorsements for their students. Compiled by an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, it includes notes and guidance to the instructor. In addition, there are sections to record the endorsements made which complies with the CFI Records Rule and a TSA training log, both of which meet regulatory requirements. A BFR/ IPC section serves as a reminder to keep clients coming back to you for repeat business.
NEW 5th edition now includes guidance to the flight instructor on use of IACRA, the FAA’s recommended portal for airmen applications which replaces the old paper form 8710-1. TSA requirements for CFI’s, citizen-students and non-citizen students are also presented. If you are an independent flight instructor and take on a new student, YOU are a ‘flight school’ and must abide by these regulations. They are detailed in this handy book.
Number of Sample Endorsements for:

$24.95 plus $4.95 postage and handling
What I Didn’t Learn in Flying School
By: Vern Foster
Vern Foster learned to fly in 1939 and by 1942 was a graduate of the US Army Air Corps Central Instructors School at Kelly Field, Texas. His first flying job was training Air corps cadets in an open-cockpit PT-19. Since the war he flew charter, trans-pacific air transport in C-54’s and retired from ‘big iron’ after 34 years with United Airlines. Throughout those years, he kept his interest and commitment to General Aviation and finally, at age 98, he hung up his spurs. It’s now 2020, he’s 103 and can still tell you all about the C-54’s technology!
This book addresses 15 operational areas that he feels to be in the greatest need of upgrading and refinement in General Aviation. Some of the areas are: Flight Preparation, Checklist Enhancement, Takeoffs and Initial Climb, Approaches and Landings, Go-arounds and Missed approaches, Light Twin Flying, Mountain flying, IFR Flying and more. 15 subject areas in all and each section contains narratives of aircraft accidents and incidents pertaining to the section subject.
There is much to learn here, all from Vern’s many years of personal experience. One of his students once remarked “Why didn’t someone tell me this stuff before now?” Well, here it is…

$24.95 plus $4.95 s/h
Aviator’s Bathroom Reader
“The Aviator’s Bathroom Reader” is a grab bag collection of humorous, whimsical, pithy truisms that should lead most aviation-inspired readers to an occasional thought-provoking moment when in fact a serious point has been made for aviation safety, despite the fun. The author begins the book with supposed praise from aviation luminaries, such as Charles Lindburgh, “Pancho “Barnes, and “The Great” Waldo Pepper. This sets the stage for what is to follow.
The book’s 524 pages are broken down into 146 chapters, most only two or three pages, with irresistible titles to entice the reader, such as “Airline Pilot Dies Enroute”; “Aviation Monkey”; “The Cat and Duck Method of IFR Flying”; “If a Dog Was Your Instructor”; “Nightmare at FL350”; and “The Preacher and the Pilot.” In the true style of bathroom readers, if in fact that is where the book ends up in one’s home, the book can be opened at any point, only a page or two at most from a chapter heading. This bathroom companion is meant to be a short read, though it would be equally useful on a long trip, where one would not be tied to a long narrative, but rather short amusing anecdotes and observations to help while away the time.
Drew Chitea is a gifted writer, and has the background for an aviation-themed book. He earned his Private Pilot License in 1972, and since then he has been a bush pilot in Alaska, Chief pilot for an airline training academy, an instructor for a major airline, and is currently an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner.
“The Aviator’s Bathroom Reader” is a great read, not only for those with an aviation background but for just about anyone who has been a passenger on an airline.
Frank Gallo, Colonel, USAF (ret.)